What is the value of Stamp Duty for power of attorney in Karnataka?

What is the value of Stamp Duty for power of attorney in Karnataka?

The value Stamp Duty for Power of Attorney is Rs. 100

Below is the cost break-up to execute a power of attorney in Karnataka:

  • Stamp Duty: Rs. 100
  • Registration fee Rs. 200
  • Scanning fee: Rs.35 per page

We registered the below POA in Bangalore (Sister giving POA to sister for buying a flat in Bangalore)

We incurred following cost to execute POA:

  • Stamp Duty: Rs.100
  • Registration fee: Rs. 200
  • Scanning Fee: Rs. 175 (5 pages)

Total cost Rs. 475

We paid on Kaveri Online service and booked an appointment for POA registration. Below is the transaction receipt amounted Rs. 475.

Note: The abbreviation of POA is Power Of Attorney

We provide assistance to execute power of attorney. To opt for our service please write to us pgnproperties@gmail.com or Whatsapp to +91-97424-79020.

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