What is the procedure for giving a power of attorney for a property in India?

What is the procedure for giving a power of attorney for a property in India?

The power of attorney (POA) execution is quite different for NRIs and Indian residents.

Let me start with NRIs resident:

NRIs don’t have to be present physically for registration of property for buying, selling, or managing in India.

NRIs can issue true and lawful power of attorney in favor of his/her family member, relative, friend, colleague, or agent. we should make sure that attorney holder is truthful and reliable to you.

Below is the steps to execute power of attorney

Step 1: Prepare the draft in word format

Step 2: Print draft on A4 size paper

Step 3: NRI should sign POA in front of Indian Consulate Officer or notary public in your country. Should sign at bottom of all pages and witness has to sign at witness section.

Step 4: Courier the POA to your true and lawful attorney to India.

Step 5: Attorney holder in India should adjudicate the POA in District Registrar office, in the judication of where the property located.

Please be noted, as a NRI, your presence is not at all mandatory to register the property but attestation from Indian consulate at your country is very much mandatory.

NRI GPA looks like below image:

For Indian residents: (executant or attorney living at different places in India)

Step 1: Executant should prepare the draft in word format

Step 2: Print the draft on document paper

Step 3: Pay the government charges. In Karnataka, we pay government charges through K2 challan. The government charges follows below.

  • Stamp Duty : Rs. 200
  • Registration Fee is Rs. 200
  • Scanning Fee Rs. 300

Step 4: Executant carry the following things to nearest sub-registrar office (SRO)

  • Printed POA
  • Challan (Government charge)
  • ID proofs of executant and Attorney, Preferably Aadhaar
  • Active mobile phone to receive OTP

Submit the printed POA and ID proofs to registering officer in SRO.

Step 5: Registrar will take your finger print and webcam photo to complete registration. Executant signs the POA. This completes registration.

Step 6: Send the registered POA to your Attorney holder through courier or handover personally.

This completes the process the register the POA if executant and attorney live in different location within India. (say for example you live Karnataka and attorney live in Delhi).

For Indian residents: (Both executant and attorney living at same place in India)

Step 1: Prepare the draft in word format

Step 2: Print the draft on document paper

Step 3: Pay the government charges. In Karnataka, we pay government charges through K2 challan. The government charges follows below.

  • Stamp Duty : Rs. 200
  • Registration Fee is Rs. 200
  • Scanning Fee Rs. 300

Step 4: Executant and attorney carry the following things to nearest sub-registrar office (SRO)

  • Printed POA
  • Challan (Government charge)
  • ID proofs of executant and Attorney, Preferably Aadhaar
  • Active mobile phones to receive OTP

Submit the printed POA and ID proofs to registering officer.

Step 5: Registrar will take your finger prints and webcam photos to complete registration.

Step 6: Both executant and attorney sign the POA

This completed the registration procedure.

Below is the image of registered POA.

We provide end-to-end assistance to execute POA. To opt for our service, please write to us pgnproperties@gmail.com or WhatsApp to + 9 1 – 9 7 4 2 4 7 9 0 2 0.

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