Can a partitioned property be gifted?

Can a partitioned property be gifted?


Can gift the partitioned property, make sure that khata and property tax are in your name

Let me narrate a real example of a similar situation

Mr. Srinivasan has two different properties in Bangalore, totally measuring around 3000 square feet.

On 16th July 2004, Mr Srinivasan partitioned his two properties to his three sons named Vijaykumar, Vinod Kumar and Shiva Kumar. Below is the image of registered partition deed

Referring to above image, SCHEDULE – C was allotted to Mr Vinod Kumar (encircled in above image)

Mr Vinod Kumar obtained the Khata from his father’s name to his name. In the below khata, we encircled Mr. Vinod Kumar’s name

Mr. Vinod kumar updated the name in property tax, from his father’s name to his. We encircled the updated name in below property tax receipt

Mr. Vinod Kumar wants to gift this property to his daughter so we paid the stamp duty & registration fee for gift deed registration and registered the gift deed,

Below is the image of Stamp Duty & Registration fee payment for Gift deed:

Below is the image of the Registered gift deed: (In the below image, we encircled donor name Mr. Vinod Kumar)

We provide end-to-end assistance to register Gift Deed, To opt for our service, please write to us or Whatsapp to + 9 1 – 9 7 4 2 4 7 9 0 2 0.

Thank you for reading…

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